This is a FREE card topic library for purchasers of the 52 Essential Conversations Deck.

Library Lessons

    1. How to Play 52 Essential Conversations

    2. How to Play Directions

    3. Easy Ways to Use Anytime, Anywhere

    4. Well-Known Card Games...with a Twist!

    5. Overview by Age & Skill

    6. Why I created 52 Essential Conversations

    1. Download Cheat Sheet: How to Teach with 52 Essential Card Series

    2. How to Teach with 52 Essential Card Series

    3. How to Connect with Me & More Resources


    2. CREATIVITY (3 of Heart)

    3. CURIOSITY (4 of Heart)

    4. AGENCY (10 of Heart)

    5. IMPLICIT BIAS (K of Heart)

    6. MASTERY (9 of Heart)

    1. MINDFULNESS (2 of Diamond)

    2. PATIENCE (3 of Diamond)

    3. MEDIA LITERACY (4 of Diamond)

    4. TAKING RISKS (7 of Diamond)

    5. STRESS-MANAGEMENT (8 of Diamond)

    6. SELF-MOTIVATION (10 of Diamond)

    7. Overcoming Obstacles

    1. KINDNESS (A of Spade)

    2. PRIVILEGE (6 of Spade)

    3. GENEROSITY (7 of Spade)

    4. COMPASSION (Q of Spade)

    5. PERSPECTIVE-TAKING (K of Spade)

    1. FRIENDSHIP (A of Club)

    2. TRUST (2 of Clubs)

    3. RESPONSIBILITY (6 of Club, *Responsible Decision-Making)

    4. STANDING UP (8 of Club)

    5. FEEDBACK (9 of Club)

    6. COLLABORATION (10 of Club)

    7. CITIZENSHIP (J of Club)

For 52 Essential Conversations

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  • 43 lessons