This Online Library is FREE with your purchase of 52 Essential Social Dilemmas. It includes:

  • Answers and responses for all 50+ card scenarios

  • Ways to play as a game at home and school

  • How to Teach tips and cheat sheets

  • Skills assessments and benchmarks by grade

  • "Made for Kids by Kids" videos

Social Dilemmas Library

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    1. Welcome Message from Dr. Jenny Woo

    2. Online Library Overview

    3. Cards by Age & Skill

    1. Experience Check-In (Easy)

    2. Two Lies and a Truth (Medium)

    3. Family RolePlay (Advanced)

    4. Moral Dilemma Debate (Challenging)

    1. Emotional Intelligence Relay & Pitch Contest

    2. Empathy Guess

    3. "What Would You Do" Skits

    4. Scenario Showdown

    5. Social Scenario Charades

    6. Emotional Intelligence Quest

    1. Download Cheat Sheet: How to Teach with 52 Essential Card Series

    2. How to Teach with 52 Essential Card Series

    3. How to Connect with Me & More Resources

    1. Leaving Your Comfort Zone (A of Hearts)

    2. Dealing with Disappointment (2 of Hearts)

    3. Handling Unfortunate Events (3 of Hearts)

    4. Video: How to Breathe Mindfully (Made for Kids by Kids)

    5. Overcoming Helplessness (4 of Hearts)

    6. Getting over Embarrassment (5 of Hearts)

    7. Staying Positive (6 of Hearts)

    8. Handling a Betrayal (7 of Hearts)

    9. Made by High School Teens: Handling a Betrayal

    10. Coping with Exclusion (8 of Hearts)

    11. Managing Worries (9 of Hearts)

    12. Dealing with Feeling Indignant (10 of Hearts)

    13. Experiencing Gratitude (J of Hearts)

    14. Video: How to Express Gratitude (Made for kids by kids)

    15. Recovering from a Social Blunder (Q of Hearts)

    16. Overcoming the Imposter Syndrome (K of Hearts)

    17. Video: How to Apply Growth Mindset (Made for kids by kids)

    1. Video: How to be a Good Listener (Made for Kids by Kids)

    2. Making Use of Your Time (A of Diamonds)

    3. Contributing Your Share (2 of Diamonds)

    4. Adapting to Changes (3 of Diamonds)

    5. Resisting Peer Pressure (4 of Diamonds)

    6. Taking Initiative (5 of Diamonds)

    7. Facing Consequences (6 of Diamonds)

    8. Standing Up (7 of Diamonds)

    9. Showing Good Sportsmanship (8 of Diamonds)

    10. Made by High School Teens: Showing Good Sportsmanship

    11. Motivating Yourself (9 of Diamonds)

    12. Video: How to Set SMART Goals (Made for kids by kids)

    13. Avoiding Distractions (10 of Diamonds)

    14. Video: How to Create a To-Do List (Made for Kids by Kids)

    15. Navigating Vulnerability (J of Diamonds)

    16. Taking Ownership (Q of Diamonds)

    17. Using Flexible Thinking (K of Diamonds)

About this course

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