This Online Library is FREE with your purchase of 52 Essential Social Skills. It includes:

  • Answers and responses for all 50+ card scenarios

  • Skills assessments and benchmarks by grade

  • How to Teach tips and cheat sheets

  • "Made for Kids by Kids" videos

  • "Facts vs. Myth" child development quiz

  • Ways to play as a game at home and school

Social Skills Library


    1. Welcome Message from Dr. Jenny Woo

    2. Online Library Overview

    3. Cards by Age & Skill

    1. Experience Check-In (Easy)

    2. Two Lies and a Truth (Medium)

    3. Family RolePlay (Advanced)

    4. Moral Dilemma Debate (Challenging)

    1. Scenario Showdown

    2. Empathy Guess

    3. Emotional Intelligence Quest

    4. What Would You Do Skits

    5. Emotional Intelligence Relay & Pitch Contest

    6. Social Scenario Charades

    1. Getting Out of the Comfort Zone (A of Hearts)

    2. Dealing with Disappointment (2 of Hearts)

    3. Calming Anger (3 of Hearts)

    4. Video: How to Breathe Mindfully (Made for Kids by Kids)

    5. Developing Confidence (4 of Hearts)

    6. Recovering from Embarrassment (5 of Hearts)

    7. Maintaining Positive Attitude (6 of Hearts)

    8. Responding to Accusations (7 of Hearts)

    9. Handling Rejections (8 of Hearts)

    10. Video: How to Handle Rejections (Made for Kids by Kids)

    11. Confronting Uncertainty (9 of Hearts)

    12. Managing Hurt Feelings (10 of Hearts)

    13. Overcoming Setback (J of Hearts)

    14. Self-Soothing (Q of Hearts)

    15. Coping with "Not Good Enough" (K of Hearts)

    16. Video: How to Apply Growth Mindset (Made for kids by kids)

    1. Video: How to be a Good Listener (Made for Kids by Kids)

    2. Taking Turns (A of Diamonds)

    3. Participating (2 of Diamonds)

    4. Following Directions (3 of Diamonds)

    5. Staying on Task (4 of Diamonds)

    6. Video: How to Create a To-Do List (Made for Kids by Kids)

    7. Raising Hand (5 of Diamonds)

    8. Playing Fair (6 of Diamonds)

    9. Speaking Up (7 of Diamonds)

    10. Being a Good Sport (8 of Diamonds)

    11. Taking Responsibility (9 of Diamonds)

    12. Video: How to Set SMART Goals (Made for kids by kids)

    13. Controlling Impulse (10 of Diamonds)

    14. Explaining Yourself (J of Diamonds)

    15. Doing the Right Thing (Q of Diamonds)

    16. Problem-Solving (K of Diamonds)

    1. Recognizing Others' Emotions (A of Spades)

    2. Interpreting Body Language (2 of Spades)

    3. Video: How to Read Social Cues (Made for kids by kids)

    4. Understanding Expectations (3 of Spades)

    5. Asking for Permission (4 of Spades)

    6. Having Good Manners (5 of Spades)

    7. Videos: How to be a Good Host or Guest (Made for Kids by Kids)

    8. Appreciating Physical Differences (6 of Spades)

    9. Accepting Decisions (7 of Spades)

    10. Honoring Personal Space (8 of Spades)

    11. Being Kind (9 of Spades)

    12. Video: How to Demonstrate Empathy (Made for kids by kids)

    13. Setting Boundaries (10 of Spades)

    14. Being Helpful (J of Spades)

    15. Creating Community (Q of Spades)

    16. How To Teach Kids About Belonging (Made for Kids by Kids)

    17. Identifying Bullying Behaviors (K of Spades)

About this course

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